Single pole porcelain clad vacuum circuit breakers (PCVCB) are designed & manufactured for outdoor application for switching & protection in Medium Voltage Transmission & Distribution Networks keeping in mind the tropical climate. Simple construction & less number of moving parts ensure reliable service & safety
As an ideal solution, the Single pole Circuit Breaker develop for switching application for RDSO requirement of power supply system at 27.5kV. Interrupter design to suite a lighting impulse withstand voltage for 250 kVp. Confirms to IEC 62271-100, IEC 60694,RDSO Specifications
The Supplied Circuit Breaker is with Foundation Bolts, Operating handles & Terminal Connectors.
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SF No. 494/2, Near Anaikalpalayam Bus Stop, Anaikalpalayam Ring Road, Poondurai Road, Erode – 638115.